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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
More views of street corner meetings and processions.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "India Post reports a loss of Rs 15,000 crore."

इंडिया पोस्ट ने रु 15,000 करोड़ का घाटा दर्ज किया...

डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ पोस्ट्स, जिसे इंडिया पोस्ट्स कहा जाता है, ने वित्तीय वर्ष 2018-19 में रु 15,000 करोड़ का घाटा दर्ज किया है। वर्ष 2017-18 में इसकी हानि रु 6,007 करोड़ थी 

17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU writes to the CMD BSNL, intimating the dharna programme to be organised on 16-07-2019, at the Corporate Office and at circle head quarters.

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17 - Sep - 2020
9th circle conference of BSNLEU, Punjab circle was successfully held at Moga.

The 9th Circle Conference of BSNLEU, Punjab circle, was held at Moga on 19th & 20th November, 2019. Com.Parbodh Chand, presided over the conference. Com.Balbir Singh, Circle Secretary, welcomed everyone. Com.Raghu Nath Singh, General Secretary, CITU, Punjab, delivered the inaugural speech. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com.Animesh Mitra, President, attended the Conference from the CHQ. Both the leaders explained about the decisions of the Ghaziabad CEC, General Strike to be held on 08th January, 2020, BSNL’s revival package, VRS, etc. Com.Balbir Singh, CS, presented the report on activities and Com.Budh Singh, Treasurer, submitted the accounts. In depth discussions were held by the delegates. After approval of the report on activities and accounts, the election of office bearers also took place unanimously.

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17 - Sep - 2020
The “Great Wall” of Gujarat.

We have heard about the “Great Wall of China”, built to stop foreigners from invading China. Now, the Great Wall of Gujarat is being constructed in Ahmedabad, to stop Donald Trump, US President, from seeing the slums of Ahmedabad. Below is the reporting of the New Indian Express dated 14.02.2020 on the subject.


“Ahead of Trump’s visit to Ahmedabad on February 24, the local municipal corporation is building a temporary wall on the sides of the road linking Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport to Indira Bridge to keep slum areas out of sight of the American President and first Lady Melania Trump. “The 6-7 feet high wall is being erected to cover the slum at an estimated 600-metre stretch. This will be followed by plantation drive along the stretch so that the US President will not see the dirtiest places of India,” a senior municipal official said. More than 500 kutcha houses, home to an estimated 2,500 people, are part of the decades-old Dev Saran or Saraniyavaas slum area.”

17 - Sep - 2020
Stranded migrant workers lathi-charged at Bandra, Mumbai..

The lock-down imposed by the government is a step in the right direction, to curb the spread of Corona Virus Disease. At the same time, the Central and State government have not cared about the livelihood of the tens of thousands of migrant workers throughout the country. The government very well knows that the migrant workers lead a “hand to mouth” life. With the lock-down in place, these migrant workers are left high and dry, in various parts of the country, without job and food. The government has done pretty little to take care of their livelihood.  Yesterday, the migrant workers belonging to UP and Bihar gathered in thousands at Bandera railway station, Mumbai, with the hope that the lock-down would be lifted and they could start moving to their native places. However, their hopes were belied and they were lathi-charged and disbursed by the police.

17 - Sep - 2020
The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU, is held online today.

The All India Centre meeting of BSNLEU was held online today. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, presided over the meeting. The meeting was participated in by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, Com.R.S. Chauhan, Vice President, Com.Gakul Borah, Treasurer and Com.John Verghese, AGS. 


  1. The meeting reviewed the preparations being made for organising the day long dharna, to be organised on 26.06.2020.  A press release is being issued by the CHQ in connection with this dharna. It is decided that this press release should be translated into all regional languages and should be sent to the media at the SSA and Circle levels.
  2. The meeting observed deficiency in the functioning of certain circle unions, with regards to implementing the decisions of the higher bodies. The meeting entrusted the responsibility to Com.Animesh Mitra, President and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, to discuss the matter with the concerned circle secretaries and to overcome the deficiency.
  3. The meeting noted with serious concern that, the BSNL Management has arbitrarily changed the date of payment of salary of the employees. Instead of paying the salary on the last working day of every month, it seems that the BSNL Management has decided that it can pay salary to the employees whenever it’s likes. Rs.1,400 crore was earned by BSNL in the month of May, 2020. Whereas, the expenditure for payment of May salary comes to only Rs.350 crore. Still, the salary was not paid till date. While the Management is making payment for all other expenditures, payment of salary to the employees has become it's last priority. The All India Centre meeting decided that the CHQ should take initiative to organise serious struggles to compel the Management to make payment of salary on time.
  4. The next meeting of the All India Centre will be held at 15:00 hrs. on 1st July, 2020.

17 - Sep - 2020
Notification issued for holding the meeting of BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee.

The All India Centre has already decided to hold a meeting of the BSNL Working Women’s Coordination Committee on 13th September, 2020. Today, notification for holding the meeting is issued by the Convenor of the Committee. In view of the prevalent restrictions on movement, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this committee meeting will be held online.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MPs of Erode, Madurai and Pondicherry, (Tamil Nadu) circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to Hon’ble MPs, shri S.Selvakumar Chinnaiah, Erode, shri R.Gopalakrishnan, Madurai, shri N.Gokula Krishnan, Pondicherry and shri R.Radhakrishnan, Pondicherry.

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17 - Sep - 2020
DoT issues clearance to BSNL, for starting negotiations for the wage revision of the Non-Executives.

The DoT has issued a letter on 27th April, 2018, to the CMD BSNL, on the wage revision of Non-Executives of BSNL. The crux of this letter is that, BSNL Management could take steps for wage settlement of the Non-Executives in BSNL, through negotiations. Certainly, this is a welcome development. At the same time, we wish to state that all hurdles for wage revision are not removed. For instance, the DPE, even in it’s recent letter dated 18th April, 2018, has categorically mentioned that BSNL does not fall under the category of PSUs which are eligible for wage revision. It is also stated in that letter that, Cabinet approval is required for BSNL’s wage revision. In the talks held between the AUAB and the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications on 24.02.2018, it has been agreed by the Hon’ble Minister that the issue of BSNL’s wage revision would be taken for the approval of the Cabinet. Presently, the DoT is taking steps for the implementation of the Hon’ble Minister’s assurance. Under these circumstances, the DoT has issued clearance to the BSNL to start negotiations for the wage revision of the Non-Executives. BSNLEU will utilise this letter for the commencement of negotiations for wage revision between the Recognised Unions and Management.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Deputy General Secretary addressed largely attended General Body meeting at Guwahati.

Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS,BSNLEU addressed a largely attended meeting of BSNL employees at Guwahati  on 9th July 2018. The meeting was organised by the Local Co-Ordination Committee of BSNLEU, Guwahati infront of CGMT,Assam office during lunch hour for the preparation of incoming agitational programme called by All Unions and Associations of BSNL  (AUAB) on 11th July demonstrations infront of CCA office,  Relay Hunger Strike on 24th to 26th July demanding settlement of 3rd PRC, pension contributions on actual basis, allotment of 4G spectrum etc. As assured by the Hon'ble MoS(C) and also to start the programme "BSNL at your door step" called by AUAB. The meeting was presided over by com Subrata Nath, president, LCC. Com Bijoy Deka,CS,BSNLEU, Assam gave introductory speech. Com Sailen Sharma,CS, AIBDPA spoken. Addressing the meeting com Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, narrated in details on the background of taking agitational programmes by the AUAB on Wage Revision, pension contributions on actual basis, pension revision, allotment of 4G spectrum etc. He appealed to all employees to participate in the marketing programme called by the AUAB considering present financial crisis of the company to ensure payments of wage revision benefits to each and every employee. Vote of thanks given by com Prasanta Baruah,DS,BSNLEU, CGM office. A large number of Non-Executives and Executives attended the meeting.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Price of petrol crosses Rs.90/- per litre.

The price of petrol in Mumbai crossed Rs.90/- per litre yesterday. It was sold at Rs.90.08. At Nanded in Maharashtra, petrol was sold at Rs.91.66. No doubt, soon the price of petrol is going to touch Rs.100/- per litre. The price of crude oil in the international market, is being sold at $80 per barrel. It is interesting to note that in 2012, the price of crude oil in international market was $120, whereas the price of petrol in India at that time was only Rs.65/- per litre. This shows the price of crude oil in the international market has got nothing to do with the steep increase in the price of petrol and diesel in India. The government has levied hefty taxes on petrol and diesel. Both the Central and State governments should immediately reduce their taxes to ensure that the common man does not suffer.

17 - Sep - 2020
AUAB gives exemption to Jammu & Kashmir circle from the 3 day strike.

The AUAB, in it’s meeting held yesterday, decided to give exemption to the J&K circle from the 3 day strike starting from 18.02.2019. This decision has been taken in view of the terror attack on security personnel at Pulwama, wherein 40 CRPF jawans have laid down their lives.  In the letter addressed to the Director (HR) the AUAB has also assured that all the Executive and Non-Executives of Jammu & Kashmir circle will do their best to ensure maintenance of services in J&K circle. The decision of the AUAB has been communicated to the Management in writing..

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17 - Sep - 2020
Telecom tariffs to rise in the 2nd half of financial year 2019-20 - says Edelweiss.

Prices of telecom services in India are likely to rise in the second half of the current financial year (2019-20), an Edelweiss report said today. The report says that  the price hike is likely to take place due to the fact that, the penetration in mobile broadband services has increased significantly and is nearing a saturation point. This is a good news for BSNL. It may be recollected that due to the implementation of predatory pricing by Reliance Jio, BSNL's revenue collections fell drastically, and the Company went deeper into financial crisis. If tariffs increase, BSNL's financial condition will also improve.

[ Source : ET Telecom dt. 16-04-2019 ]

17 - Sep - 2020
Model poster for the dharna to be organised on 16.07.2019.

BSNLEU and the BSNLCCWF have given call to organise dharna at Corporate Office and at all CGM offices, demanding immediate payment of the wage arrears of the contract workers and also demanding to stop the retrenchment. All circle secretaries are requested to download this poster and get it printed for organising the strike.

17 - Sep - 2020
An effective election campaign meeting at Surat despite severe rain.

Despite it was raining, Surat district union organised a very effective election campaign meeting on 09.09.2019, addressed by the General Secretary. The meeting was presided over by Com.Salim Hafeji, District President. Com.Dubey, District Secretary, welcomed everyone. The meeting was also addressed by Com.M.K. Dave, Vice President (CHQ) and Com.D.K. Bakutra, Circle Secretary. In his address, the General Secretary explained about all the aspects related to the revival of BSNL, which is possible through united struggles, and by mobilising public opinion in favour of BSNL. He also explained about the issues taken up / settled by BSNLEU in the last three years. The General Secretary also replied to various rumours being raised by mischievous elements.

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU Haryana Circle Executive Committee meeting held on 18.11.2019 at Rohtak.

The Circle Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, Haryana Circle, was held at Rohtak on 18th November, 2019. Com.Naresh Kumar, Circle President presided over the meeting. Com.M.S. Kadian, Circle Secretary, welcomed all and presented a brief report. Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, explained in detail the decisions of Ghaziabad CEC meeting held on 12th & 13th October, 2019, for participating the 8th January, 2020 General Strike. He also dealt with the issue of BSNL’s Revival Package and VRS related issues. Com.Ramesh Chand Sharma, Organising Secretary (CHQ), BSNLEU and Com.Kuldeep Singh, CS, AIBDPA, also addressed the meeting. District Secretaries and Circle Union Office bearers participated in the discussion.

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17 - Sep - 2020
People agitating peacefully against CAA, cannot be called as traitors or anti-nationals – says Bombay High Court.

The Aurangabad Bench of the Bombay High Court has given a landmark judgement, wherein it has stated that, people wanting to agitate in a peaceful way cannot be called traitors, anti-nationals only because they want to oppose one law. The court has stated, “this court wants to express that such persons cannot be called as traitors, anti-nationals only because they want to oppose one law. It will be an act of protest only against the government for the reason of CAA.”

Regarding the right of the citizens to conduct peaceful agitations, the court has also stated as follows:-

“India got freedom due to agitations which were non-violent and this path of non-violence is followed by the people of this country till this date… Unfortunately, many laws which ought to have been scrapped after getting freedom are continued and the bureaucracy is exercising powers under them against citizens of free India.

[Courtesy: Times of India dated 15.02.2020]

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following donations from the comrades of West Bengal circle, to the "Contract Workers Relief Fund".

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17 - Sep - 2020
BSNLEU’s press statement for the countrywide dharna programme to be held tomorrow, the 26.06.2020.

BSNLEU is organising a countrywide dharna programme tomorrow the, 26.06.2020. In this connection, the CHQ of BSNLEU has issued the following press statement. The circle secretaries are requested to translate this press statement in their Regional Languages and to distribute the same to the media at the circle and district levels. CHQ will soon send the Hindi translation of this press statement to the circle secretaries of Hindi speaking circles.

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