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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)
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Office bearers

Office bearers

  • Com. Animesh Mitra

    [ President ]
  • Com. P. Abhimanyu

    [ General Secretary ]
  • Com. John Verghese

    [ Deputy General Secretary ]
  • Com. Irfan Pasha

    [ Treasurer ]

Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi- 110008

011-25705385(Office), 011-25894862(Fax)

BSNL Employees Union (CHQ), New Delhi

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Telecom tariffs to rise in the 2nd half of financial year 2019-20 - says Edelweiss."

वित्तीय वर्ष 2019-20 की दूसरी छः माही में दूरसंचार दरों में वृद्धि होगी- एडलवाइस ने कहा...
एडलवाइस की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार भारत में वित्तीय वर्ष 2019-20 की दूसरी छः माही में दूरसंचार सेवाओं की दरों में वृद्धि की संभावना है। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दरों में वृद्धि की संभावना की वजह है मोबाइल ब्रॉडबैंड सेवाओं की पहुंच (penetration) में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि, जो संतुष्टि के बिंदु (saturation point) के करीब है। यह BSNL के लिए अच्छी खबर है। ज्ञातव्य है कि रिलायंस जियो द्वारा लागू लागत से भी कम कीमत की वजह से  BSNL के राजस्व संग्रहण (collection) में तीव्रता के साथ गिरावट हुई और कंपनी गहरे वित्तीय संकट में आ गई। यदि दरें बढ़ती है, तो BSNL की वित्तीय स्थिति में भी सुधार होगा।

[ स्त्रोत : ET Telecom dt. 16-04-2019 ]


17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Massive hunger strike throughout the country on 25.11.2019, on the crucial issues related to VRS and other burning problems."

VRS और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण ज्वलंत मुद्दों के लिए 25.11.2019 को देश भर में व्यापक (massive) भूख हड़ताल...

BSNLEU द्वारा 20.11.2019 से होने वाली 3 दिवसीय भूख हड़ताल वापिस लिए जाने पर अपनी नाराजगी व्यक्त की जा चुकी है। AUAB के सभी घटकों में भूख हड़ताल करने के मुद्दे पर आम सहमति न बन पाने की वजह से कार्यक्रम  त्यागना पड़ा। फिर भी, BSNLEU ने महसूस किया कि VRS से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों और कर्मचारियों के अन्य ज्वलंत मुद्दों के लिए आंदोलनात्मक कार्यक्रम करना जरूरी है। विगत दो दिनों में, आंदोलन कार्यक्रम आयोजित करने के लिए नॉन एग्जीक्यूटिव्ज की सभी ट्रेड यूनियन्स से संपर्क किया गया। परिणामस्वरूप, विभिन्न संगठन 25.11.2019 को कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस, सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट लेवल पर एक दिवसीय भूख हड़ताल आयोजित करने के लिए सहमत हुए। BSNLEU का अन्य ट्रेड यूनियन्स को इस भूख हड़ताल से दूर रखने का कोई उद्देश्य नही है। सभी संगठन, जो VRS के प्रकरण में हो रहे अन्याय और अन्य मुद्दों के खिलाफ अपनी आवाज उठाने के इच्छुक हैं, 25.11.2019 को भूख हड़ताल करने हेतु साथ आए हैं। सभी सर्किल और डिस्ट्रिक्ट यूनियन्स से अनुरोध है कि वें अन्य सहभागी संगठनों से त्वरित संपर्क कर 25.11.2019 को, एक दिवसीय हड़ताल व्यापक तौर पर आयोजित करें।

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi matters for making placards for tomorrow’s dharna programme.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MP, Silchar, Assam circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to shri Karimganj, Hon’ble MP, Silchar.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Four senior most judges of the Supreme Court accuse that sensitive cases are not being handed over to them.

In a totally unprecedented move, four senior most judges of the Supreme Court, revolted against the Chief Justice of India yesterday. Justice J. Chelemeswar, who is the senior most judge of the Supreme Court, next to the Chief Justice, together with justice Ranjan Gogoi, Justice Madan B Lokur and Justice Kurian Joseph conducted a press meet yesterday, to air their views. They accused that “cases of far-reaching importance to the nation” were being selectively given to junior judges, and that senior judges were being ignored. The one case that has made the four senior-most judges to revolt is, the one related to ‘the mysterious death of judge B.H.Loya’. The CBI special court judge, B.H.Loya, died under mysterious circumstances last year, and his family members had raised suspicion about his death. It is also very important to note that, at the time of his death, judge B.H.Loya was hearing the fake encounter pawn you case of “Sohrabuddin Sheikh”, in which the BJP President, Amit Shah is the main accused. Before conducting the press conference, the four judges approached the Chief Justice, and requested him to take corrective steps, which was not accepted. The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution and democracy in our country. At a time when the democracy of the nation is under attack, it is worrying to note that, allegations have surfaced regarding the fairness and transparency of the Supreme Court.

17 - Sep - 2020
Staff Side of the Joint Wage Negotiating Committee reviews the progress in wage revision.

A meeting of the Staff Side of the Joint Wage Negotiating Committee was held yesterday the 25.09.2018, at NFTE’s office. The meeting was attended by Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. Islam Ahmed, President, NFTE, Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, BSNLEU, Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy.GS, NFTE, Com. Animesh Mitra, Vice President, BSNLEU and A. Rajamouli, Treasurer, NFTE. The meeting took stock of the progress of the ongoing wage negotiation. Especially, once again the pay scales proposed by the Management Side were scrutinised. No live case has come to the notice of the Staff Side, wherein stagnation is likely to arise. The meeting is also of the opinion that the agreement on the pay scales should be signed expeditiously, for onward submission for the approval of the DoT. Further, it is also decided that the negotiation on allowances and perks should be started immediately. It should be noted that the approval of the DoT is necessary only for the pay scales. So far as the perks and allowances are concerned, they need not go to the approval of the DoT, since the BSNL Board itself is empowered to approve them.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "It is a do or die situation - AUAB calls on the employees to organise the 3 strike massively."


यह करो या मरो की स्थिति है-  3 दिवसीय हड़ताल जबरदस्त रूप से आयोजित कीजिए, AUAB का आव्हान...

आज AUAB की अहम मीटिंग हुई। BSNLEU, NFTE , SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, ATM, TEPU व BSNL OA के महासचिवों/ सीनियर लीडर्स ने शिरकत की। मीटिंग में सम्पूर्ण देश में 3 दिवसीय हड़ताल की सफलता हेतु की गई तैयारियों की समीक्षा की गई। सभी महासचिवों ने तैयारियों के संबंध अपनी रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की। यह बेहद उत्साहवर्धक है कि हड़ताल की शानदार तैयारियां हुई है। विशेष रूप से इसमें विगत 2 दिनों में जबरदस्त गति परिलक्षित हुई है। सभी पहलुओं पर विचार विमर्श पश्चात हड़ताल करने का पुनः सर्वानुमति से निर्णय लिया गया। हड़ताल आज मध्य रात्रि  (00:00 hrs.) से शुरू होगी। सभी कॉमरेड्स से अनुरोध है कि इस संबंध में किसी भी प्रकार के स्पष्टीकरण की आवश्यकता होने पर अपने महासचिव से संपर्क किया जा सकता है।


17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "5 million jobs lost between 2016 and 2018 - says a study of the Azim Premji University."

अजीम प्रेमजी यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा किए गए एक अध्ययन के अनुसार 2016 और 2018 के बीच 5 मिलियन नौकरियां खत्म हुई..
यह जानकारी बेहद आघातप्रद है कि 2016 और 2018 के बीच 5 मिलियन भारतीयों को अपनी नौकरियां खोनी पड़ी है। यह उल्लेख बेंगलुरु स्थित अजीम प्रेमजी यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा कल जारी "स्टेट ऑफ वर्किंग इंडिया (SWI) 2019" की रिपोर्ट में किया गया है। आपको याद होगा कि नोटबन्दी (डीमोनेटायजेशन) नवंबर 2016 में लागू की गई थी। अजीम प्रेमजी यूनिवर्सिटी की यह रिपोर्ट अर्थशास्त्रियों द्वारा लगाए गए  "नोटबंदी की वजह से लाखों नौकरियां खत्म होने" के आरोपों की पुष्टि करती है। बेरोजगारी, राष्ट्र की सबसे बड़ी समस्या हैं। प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने, हर वर्ष 2 करोड़ जॉब्स के सृजन का आश्वासन देकर सत्ता हासिल की थी। किन्तु अपने इस वादे की पूर्ति में वें बुरी तरह नाकाम हुए हैं।

17 - Sep - 2020
ACC approves the appointment of Shri P.K. Purwar as CMD BSNL.

Shri P.K. Purwar has taken over as the CMD BSNL from 01.07.2019. However, he took over the post of CMD BSNL only as an additional charge, since his selection was not approved by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) at that time. It is learnt that the ACC has now approved Shri P.K.Purwar’s appointment as CMD BSNL.

17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "Call will be given to the employees for the withdrawal of VRS option - Trade Unions warn the Secretary, Telecom and the CMD BSNL."

कर्मचारियों को VRS ऑप्शन वापस लेने का आव्हान किया जाएगा- ट्रेड यूनियन्स की,  सेक्रेटरी टेलीकॉम और CMD BSNL को चेतावनी...

VRS 2019 की खामियों कमियों को समझे बगैर कर्मचारियों ने बड़ी संख्या में VRS हेतु ऑप्ट किया है। VRS से जुड़े कई मुद्दों का निराकरण किए बगैर BSNL मैनेजमेंट द्वारा कर्मचारियों को VRS पर जाने हेतु दबाव बनाया जा रहा है। पेंशन कम्युटेशन, पूर्व दिनांक से 3rd PRC की पात्रता, रिटायरमेंट की उम्र के संबंध में 2000 में दिए गए वादे (committment) का सम्मान, ट्रांसफर और वर्क लोड की धमकियां आदि कुछ मुद्दे हैं जिनका समाधान जरूरी है। जो कर्मचारी VRS पर जाएंगे उन्हें पेंशन कम्युटेशन और  3rd PRC की पात्रता जैसे मुद्दों का निराकरण न होने की स्थिति में बहुत अधिक नुकसान होगा। इन मुद्दों के शीघ्र निराकरण की मांग करते हुए BSNLEU, BTEU, FNTO, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM और BSNL OA ने 25.11.2019 को एक दिवसीय भूख हड़ताल का आव्हान किया है। इन संगठनों ने सेक्रेटरी टेलीकॉम और CMD BSNL को लिखा है कि इन मुद्दों का निराकरण न होने की स्थिति में कर्मचारियों को VRS ऑप्शन वापस लेने का आव्हान किया जाएगा।

17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ thankfully acknowledges the receipt of the following donations from the comrades of Meerut SSA in UP(West) circle, to the "Contract Workers Relief Fund".

1) Com.Naresh Pal, Retd.JE - Rs.2,000/-

2) Com.Ramswarup, Retd. TT - Rs.1,500/-

3) Com. Satish Sharma, Retd.JE - Rs.1,000/-

4) Com.Ramesh Kumar, JE - Rs.1,000/-

5) Com.Nidhish Kumar, TT - Rs.1,000/-

6) Com.Rajendra Singh, JE - Rs.1,000/-

7) Com.Krishan Kumar Siingh, TT - Rs.1,000/-

8) Com.Ganga Singh, Retd.OS - Rs.1,000/-

9) Com.J.P. Shahi, Retd. TT - Rs.1,000/-

10) Com.Mohd. Yaseen, TT - Rs.1,000/-

11) Com.Dinesh Kumar, Retd. TT - Rs.1,000/-

12) Com.Ashok Kumar, Retd.JE - Rs.1000/-

13) Com.Shripal, Retd.TT - Rs.1,000/-

14) Com.Narendrapal, Retd.TT - Rs.1,000/-

15) Com.Radhey Shyam Sharma, JE - Rs.1,100/-

16) Com.Arun Kr. Gupta, Retd JE - Rs.1,000/-

17) Com.Trilokchand, Retd. JE - Rs.1,000/-

18) Com.Shrichand, Retd JE - Rs.1,000/-

19) Com.Lalmani Yadav, Retd TT - Rs.1,000/-

20) Com.Rambeer Singh, TT - Rs.1,000/-

21) Com.Mithilesh Tivari, TT - Rs.1,000/-

22) Com.Dhyan Singh, Retd TT - Rs.500/-

23) Com.Satyaprakash, Retd.TT - Rs.500/-

24) Com.Kashi Ram Yadav, Retd TT - Rs.500/-

17 - Sep - 2020
Which is the government service provider? – It is Mukesh Ambani’s Jio, not BSNL..

Narendra Modi government has sanctioned 54 mobile towers for the uncovered rural areas of Ladakh. Money will be paid from the USO Fund. But, the towers will be installed not by BSNL, but by Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio. This is how the Modi government is promoting Reliance Jio, while giving only 'lip-service' to BSNL.  It is also important to note that, the same Modi government has blocked BSNL's 4G tender, thus stopping BSNL from rolling out it's 4G service. Everybody think that BSNL is the government service provider. Now, everyone has understand that, Reliance Jio is the government service provider.

17 - Sep - 2020
Karnataka is holding it's online circle executive committee meeting.

The online Circle Executive Committee meeting of Karnataka circle, started at 10:00 am today. Com.C.K. Gundanna, President, is presiding. Com.P. Abhimanyu, GS, inaugurated the meeting and explained about the present condition of BSNL, attacks being launched on the public sector, as well as on the labour rights, by the Government and the need to intensify our struggles to protect BSNL in particular and the Public Sector in general. Thereafter, Com.H.V. Sudharshan, Circle Secretary, presented the report on activities. Com. Animesh Mitra, President and Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, also addressed. The meeting is also being attended by the CHQ office bearers from Karnataka circle, Com. M.C. Balakrishna, Organising Secretary and Com.Irfan Pasha, Organising Secretary.

17 - Sep - 2020
Memorandum submitted to the Hon'ble MP, Surendranagar, Gujarat circle.

Leaders of BSNL unions and associations, submitted memorandum to shri Devjibhai Fatepra, Hon’ble MP, Surendranagar.

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17 - Sep - 2020
The March to Sanchar Bhawan should send the right message to the government - Each district union should send maximum number of comrades - Figures should be given to the CHQ latest by 20-01-2018.

The government is launching a series of attacks on BSNL and it's employees. Denial of Wage Revision, breaking BSNL by forming the Subsidiary Tower Company, reduction of the retirement age, etc., have to be stopped. We have to fight back with all our strength. The March to Sanchar Bhawan on 23-02-2018 should give the right message to the government. Hence, it should be organised with the widest possible mobilisation. CHQ calls upon each and every district union to send the maximum number of comrades for Sanchar Bhawan March. The number of comrades coming from each circle, should be intimated to the CHQ latest by 20.01.2018.

17 - Sep - 2020
CITU's greeting poster on International Women's Day.

17 - Sep - 2020
DoT set to conduct "Special Audits" of the accounts of private telecom companies.

It is reported that the DoT is set to conduct “special audits” of the accounts of the private telecom companies for the period from 2011-2012 onwards. It is a well known fact that private telecom companies continuously cheat the government of Annual Licence Fee and Spectrum Usage Charges, by understating their revenue. It is reported that the Annual Licence Fee and Spectrum Usage Charges, paid to the government, got reduced by 23% in 2017. In view of this, the DoT has decided to conduct Special Audits of the accounts of all the private telecom companies. It is noteworthy to mention that the DoT conducted a Special Audit for the years 2006 to 2008 and found out that the private companies had cheated the government an amount Rs.1,846.51 crore. Thereafter, the CAG conducted a Special Audit for the period from 2007 to 2010, wherein it was founded that the private companies had cheated the government an amount of Rs.12,488.93 crore.

(Source: Economic Times dated 25.09.2018)

17 - Sep - 2020
It is a do or die situation - AUAB calls on the employees to organise the 3 strike massively.

The AUAB held it's crucial meeting today. General Secretaries / senior leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA participated. The meeting reviewed the preparations going on throughout the country for the 3 day strike. All the General Secretaries gave their reports on the preparations. It is very encouraging to note that, excellent preparations are going on. Especially, the momentum has picked up tremendously in the last 2 days. After considering all the factors, the meeting unanimously decided to go ahead with the strike. The strike starts from midnight (00:00 hrs.) today. If any clarification is required, comrades are requested to contact their respective General Secretaries.


17 - Sep - 2020
CHQ call to help the contract workers – overwhelming response received from West Bengal circle.

The employees of West Bengal circle have overwhelmingly responded to the call of the CHQ of BSNLEU, for extending relief to the contract workers. The circle and district unions of West Bengal have taken very good efforts, as a result of which 1,250 comrades have given the donation. The donated amount comes to Rs.11.5 lakh. Now, the circle union has called upon the district unions to rush food materials to the contract workers and help them during this lock-down period. Accordingly, Bankura, Purulia, Burdwan, Kathwa, ETR, Kharagpur, Asansol, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, Electrical Wing and Durgapur SSAs have organised programmes in which food materials and money have been handed over to the contract workers. CHQ heartily congratulates the West Bengal circle union, as well as the District Unions for their effective implementation of the CHQ call.

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17 - Sep - 2020
Hindi translation of "BSNLEU press statement for the countrywide dharna programme to be held tomorrow, the 26.06.2020."

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